903-526-5243 sandflatwsc@att.net 14874 FM 14, Tyler, TX Contact Us
903-526-5243 sandflatwsc@att.net 14874 FM 14, Tyler, TX Contact Us
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Good Morning! I have been receiving a few inquiries about why the January bills are higher than normal for our customers and I want to explain why that could be....
1) January's bills have about a week more usage than typical. The usage was calculated from 12-23-24 to 1-29-25.
2) During the week of January 7th, our area was experiencing below freezing temperatures and a lot of our customers were dripping faucets to keep their pipes from freezing.
Good Morning! I have been receiving a few inquiries about why the January bills are higher than normal for our customers and I want to explain why that could be....
1) January's bills have about a week more usage than typical. The usage was calculated from 12-23-24 to 1-29-25.
2) During the week of January 7th, our area was experiencing below freezing temperatures and a lot of our customers were dripping faucets to keep their pipes from freezing.